Plant Re-Potting In-Store Service - Sometimes there is just not enough time to give your plant babies a new home! Golden State Succulents can do it for you! Bring your root bound - overgrown plants into the shop for a haircut and fresh look! Pots up to 1 Gallon Container …$8.00 - EACH -- 2 & 3 Gallon Container…$12.00 EACH -- 5 - 8 Gallon Container …$16.00 EACH 9 - 15 Gallon Container $20.00 EACH *We request 24-48 hours for repotting during busy season. *Appointment required. *Repotting Service Fees include soil, amendments & moss. ****** NEW CONTAINERS ARE AVAILABLE AT AN ADDITIONAL COST.
Plant Sitting Flat Rates- Traveling? worried about your plant? Golden State Succulents offers plant sitting at reasonable rates to ensure your plant collection stays happy while you're away! Golden State Greenhouse will stop in to prune (if needed) and water your plant babies while you are out of town. Plant sitting only applies to indoor plants at this time. Rates: 1 to 30 plants - $45 per day -- $75.00 31 to 100 plants- (THESE PRICE RATES ARE FOR THE GREATER EEL RIVER VALLEY ARE ONLY) Homes outside of our service area will have a .55 cent per mile additional charge - which will be assessed at time of initial booking & then e-mailed to you - *Payment is required before plant sitting service is performed. All plant sitters leave you notes and if requested will send you a photo of your plant babies!
Interior OR exterior plant-scape - With a love for all things green, and setting people up for plant-parenthood success, whether it is an interior or exterior plantscaping project you've been thinking about, Greening up your indoor or outdoor space is fun & definitely worth it, but it does require some first-hand knowledge and the ability to consider & balance multiple variables. To the non-pro, it can be daunting, difficult & time consuming. Our interior plant-scape service is here so you can have the fun and we can do the hard stuff, which for us, is the fun stuff! Our service starts with a free consultation (30min). We will conduct a thorough assessment of your space that you would like planted, inside or out. (things to consider are light, location of heat vents, general layout etc), get a sense of what you want the aesthetic, style or feel your wanting,then figure out what plants best suit your lifestyle, and discuss your budget. We supply everything, planting mix, container & plants. You will receive written details on how to care for your plants. Our service also includes a free1-hr follow up appointment that can be used for anything you want within two months of final install and will provide you with one another, feedback and tips on plant care and address any outstanding questions, issues, or needs.
Pop up's & Event Service's - We welcome inquires about private parties & corporate events, fundraisers, cannabis events/functions including but not limited to; music or theater venues and farmer's markets.
Retail Display Service's - Plants enhance a retail space, improve the customer experience, and increase sales. If houseplants are outside the scope of your business, caring for them, sourcing related products, and meeting high pottery purchase minimums (plus finding storage!), is a burden. As if running one business wasn’t hard enough! To make it easier, we can keep a well-stocked display of plants, pottery, and other items at your storefront. We value supporting other small businesses. So let’s talk and get some plants in your shop!
Collaboration - We love working with local businesses & would love to hear what ideas you have, to help grow our businesses together. LET'S DO THIS!! Please email with your idea(s).